Background and study aims: In Morocco the prevalence of Wilson disease (WD) and the spectrum of mutations are not known. The aim of the present study was to...
Excessive inflammatory response has been implicated in severe respiratory forms of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Trace elements such as zinc, selenium...
Edible seaweeds with a relatively high total arsenic concentration have been a global concern. As the largest seaweed producer, China contributes about 60 % of...
Background: Single daily dose (SDD) is a good way to improve adherence by simplifying treatment. Efficacy data concerning patients with Wilson disease (WD)...
Objective(s): The causal mechanistic relationships between Essure® and adverse effects are unclear, but corrosion in the in-vivo environment with release of...
Recent evidence from laboratory and epidemiologic studies has shed a different light on selenium health effects and its recommended range of environmental...
The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) around the world continues to increase while the pathophysiology remains insufficiently elucidated. Genetics...
Polyherbal Unani formulations have been used in the treatment of liver diseases for a long time. (Ibrahim M, Khaja MN, Aara A, Khan AA, Habeeb MA, Devi YP...
Organic elements make up 99% of an organism but without the remaining inorganic bioessential elements, termed the metallome, no life could be possible. The...
Background: Cadmium exposure has been associated with increased diabetes risk in several studies, though there is still considerable debate about the magnitude...
Present study exhibited the oxidative potential of microwave radiation (MWR) leading to the neurodegeneration in rats. Wistar rats were exposed at 2100 MHz...
The trace element selenium is of considerable interest due to its toxic and nutritional properties, which markedly differ according to the dose and the chemical...
Objectives/introduction: Determining 24-hour Urinary Copper Excretion (UCE) levels is useful for diagnosing Wilson's disease (WD) and for treatment monitoring...
Background and aims: Experimental and non-experimental human studies have consistently shown a positive association between exposure to the trace element...
The ability of bacterial pathogens to acquire essential micronutrients is critical for their survival in the host environment. Manganese plays a complex role in...
Accumulating evidence from both experimental and nonexperimental human studies in the last 15 years indicates that exposure to high levels of the trace element...
Two approaches to Hg speciation analysis, both employing volatile species generation (VSG) were optimized and subsequently applied to biological sample analysis...
Background: The relationship between dietary sodium intake and blood pressure (BP) has been tested in clinical trials and nonexperimental human studies...
An important group of breast cancers is those associated with inherited susceptibility. In women, several predisposing mutations in genes involved in DNA repair...
Background/aim: The spectrum of ATP7B variants varies significantly according to geographic distribution, and there is insufficient data on the variants...
Objective: Many patients with Essure1 devices request the removal of these implants due to persistent adverse effects. The pathophysiology remains unknown, but...
Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper (Cu) metabolism. The gene responsible for WD, ATP7B, is involved in the cellular transport of...
Lithium (Li) is a typical mood stabilizer and the first choice for treatment of bipolar disorder (BD). Despite an extensive clinical use of Li, its mechanisms...
Objectif. — L’objectif de cette revue est de démontrer que la détermination d’éléments inorganiques ne figurant pas actuellement à la nomenclature des actes de...
Urban heavy metal pollution can impair the health of humans and other organisms inhabiting cities. While birds are suggested as one of the appropriate...
Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of copper (Cu) metabolism. The gene responsible for WD, ATP7B, is involved in the cellular transport of...
Some studies have reported an association between overexposure to selenium and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a rare degenerative disease of motor...
Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s dementia. Whereas the exact etiology of PD remains unknown...
Aluminum and tin are ubiquitous in the environment. In normal biological systems, however, they are present only in trace amounts and have no recognized...
Background: Next-Generation sequencing (NGS) has opened up novel diagnostic opportunities for children with unidentified, but suspected copper inherited...
Background: ESSURE® (Bayer) is a permanent contraceptive procedure that uses a small implant inserted through the vagina and the cervix (by hysteroscopy) into...
Redox-active metals are thought to be implicated in neurodegenerative diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To address this point, we measured...
Obesity has become a major health problem in both developed and under-developed countries. It is a complex disease that involves the interactions between...